Thanks for opening and reading.
The goal here is to give you AMMO so you can get working on your Google presence today.
When it comes to Google, ranking higher is generally a long slow burn.
There is technical stuff to do, there is content to create for your site, and there is another whole world called “off page” - getting the rest of the internet to elevate YOU by linking to you.
Can be a graft.
The goal right here is to help you take some SHORTCUTS.
Yes… shortcuts…. just take these ideas, and use them.
We’ve done the thinking and research for you, you just have to DO the stuff.
Let’s start:
Shortcut 1️⃣
Get lots of Google Reviews.
Google obviously rewards usage of other Google assets when it comes to where you rank on Google.
Google assets are things like Google Business Profile and YouTube.
The video below is our MOST effective Google Review method we’ve used in our agency for clients:
Ad below:
We are running a Google Business Profile workshop, Tuesday December 13th 2022, at time of writing there are 6 seats remaining. Click the button below to learn more and reserve your spot - we’ll be revealing our entire method:
Shortcut 2️⃣
Add FAQ’s to your website.
Not just frequently asked questions YOU receive about your products and services, but also the questions Google recommends.
They tell you via the “People also ask” when you do a Google Search.
Write those answers up, add them to your website, watch your traffic and results grow.
Shortcut 3️⃣
Publish “How To’s”.
These are great.
Are there some really commonly asked things in your industry?
For example if you are a bike shop - how to change a flat tyre, how to maintain your chain, that sort of stuff.
People go to Google to search for answers - that’s literally what Google IS, a search engine. Give people what they want, right there on YOUR website and or YOUR Google Business Profile.
Shortcut 4️⃣
Publish shareable content.
For example a “report”, or an “industry state of play”, or a graph with data, or an opinion piece.
This could take any form. Goal = create something in your industry, that people will want to share.
Shortcut 5️⃣
Yes, the old favourite of bloggers, lists. They still work, and still have value.
The headline can be enough to get people to your website, or YouTube channel, or your Google Business Profile.
Best of - our favourites - top 7 of 2022 - that type of thing.
Shortcut 6️⃣
Yep - cheat.
Okay, not really cheating, just call it research… you’ll feel better.
Go and look at your competitions websites, and highest ranking articles, pages etc.
Then make your version, but way better.
Shortcut 7️⃣
Product Reviews.
If you sell a product made by someone else, go deep and write a lengthy review of that product.
The internet is full of people doing research about their purchases - give them what they want.
We wrote a very useful article about a social media tool we use called Publer.
It’s very good, and helps our clients save time and do a better job - here is the article: 👈 click here
That article now drives significant traffic to our website - the best part is we REALLY do use and love that tool, so we are more than happy to talk about that company in a good light.
Thanks for reading, and please get in touch if you need any help.
Corey Hinde 🚀
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