Short break from SEO and Google stuff this week.
This article is LONG, but very useful.
The processes here are “client getting” methods that work.
Oh, our new Hey Google course is out too ➨ Click HERE.
Read on… these methods were previously outlined in our short course called “Free Customer Program”.
Welcome to the Free Customer Program.
The idea behind this program is to generate sales, fast, without spending money on advertising.
After many years of designing and testing fast business generation ideas, these are 4 of my favourite, proven methods for achieving fast sales.
All of these methods work, if used at the right time, and tailored to your own particular business niche.
Pick the method that you think will work best for your type of customers OR, just start with #1 - The Reactivator.
#1 - The Reactivator
This method has been tested by many companies, and never fails to deliver.
The BIG IDEA is to “re-activate” past clients, via email, with a discount, to get them spending with you again.
I first became aware of this method as a customer of a sporting goods business.
An email hit my inbox with the following title “$19 credited to your account”.
Now you may or may not know this, but the subject line of an email has only ONE purpose - that is to get that email opened.
I most certainly opened that email.
The business had a quick introduction in the email stating that they hadn’t seen or heard from me for a while, and would love to show me some new offers they had, and if I did choose to buy anything, a $19 credit was already active on my account.
Very smart.
I’ve since tested that exact email headline myself, and it's resulted in, by far, my highest open rates of any email I’ve sent to my list.
The amount of the discount will change depending on what you sell, but the general idea is to give away as much as you can, so the open rate of the email is high, and while you might only make a small profit on that purchase, you’ll get a sale, and restart your business relationship, with someone who may well refer other people to you.
There can be some challenges with this method:
Your email management might be out of date, or missing details, or hard to use. What a great time to get in there and sort it out! Email marketing is incredibly effective, but not as sexy as Social Media for example, so people put it on the backburner.
You might be worried about the technical aspect of applying a discount to your shopping cart or sales process. Don’t! Just do it, figure it out, and reap the rewards. Even if you have to manually contact a few people, you’ll still win in the long run. Any good positive communication with your customers is good for business.
You might worry about giving away discounts and losing money. Don’t overthink it. Even a break even sale could result in positive reviews, referral business, and a great prospect now being on your email list. Think long term.
More information about this method is contained in this short YouTube video:
#2 - The Service Email plan
The idea behind our service improvement emails is to achieve several things:
Generate leads or sales from previous customers
Get Google reviews, which helps other people trust your business
Learn from people how you can improve your business.
In the context of this particular Free Customer Program, the first reason is clearly useful. However, the other 2 reasons are also highly useful to your business.
MOST importantly you will need to go to your Google My Business dashboard for your business listing, and grab your Review Link.
It looks like this:
If you go to, and log into your dashboard, you’ll see something like what is pictured above.
Click on the ASK FOR REVIEWS button, and you’ll get a link that you can paste into emails, so people can quickly give you a Google Review.
Try this method out.
I personally recommend you then install this email as a standard operating procedure in your business, something you send to all customers after they have done business with you.
Dear [insert client name here]
First of all, I hope you are well! Secondly, be sure to read to the end of this email, someone is getting a $100 voucher and it would be cool if it was you.
Why are we sending you this email?
We’ve decided that we want to become the best in our industry, and as such, we value your input on this…
Is there anything at all we could improve on? Is there anything extra we could have done to blow you away and get you telling friends about us?
If so, please email us and let us know. We’d really appreciate it.
If you are happy, then we’d greatly appreciate a Google Review - click this link [right here].
Now - some bonuses:
For everyone that emails us back, OR completes the Google Review, we’ll be giving away a $100 voucher to whoever’s name is drawn at the end of this month. You have to be in it to win it, we have 1 to give away.
As a sign of goodwill, we’d also like to offer you OR a friend, a discount of [insert deal offer here]. Feel free to send this offer to anyone at all.
Thanks for taking the time to read and act on this email. If you need help with anything at all, please reach out via my personal email, I’d love to talk.
Have a great day,
Dear [insert client name here]
We hope you are well. Do you need any more help with XXXXXXX
If you do need any more help, just email or call, we would love to help.
Also - we’d love to hear from you if you think there is any way we could improve our service to you, we are keen to become the best around, and we would value your thoughts.
IF - you are happy and have a moment, we would dearly love a Google Review, it helps us a lot… CLICK HERE
By the way, we’ve got an offer for you too, click HERE and you’ll find XXXXXXX
Have a great day!
Jimmy Jones
I think this would work very well with for example a car yard. Budget Car Sales, in Auckland sell a lot of pre-loved cars. Keeping in touch via email would be smart as once people build trust in a car yard, I think you could possibly get a sale every few years from the same client.
#3 - The F + F offer
F and F stands for Friends and Family.
Our research has proven that many of our own friends and family aren’t entirely clear what our businesses do, what offers we have, or who our ideal clients are.
This idea is based on reminding people about what you do, and then asking them for referrals.
This makes some people uncomfortable. I get an overdue tax bill ALSO makes you feel uncomfortable, so give this strategy a go.
The process is to create a very short message, that you share on Social Media, email and SMS as well if you like, so people can SHARE or REFER people to you.
For example:
Hi Friends and Family - I’m sure you are aware, but I thought a reminder would be a good idea - My business helps to rank websites higher on Google, so if you have any friends in your own circles that would benefit from that, send them my way! If they become a customer, I’ll donate $100 to a charity of your choice!
The last line about the donation is that little push that can get people to take action. Who doesn’t want to help you, help a friend, AND help a charity all in one go!
Adapt to suit your needs - you might want to put out some kind of friend and family only discount or special offer. It's up to you, but do try it out, we’ve seen some great results from this method.
#4 - The 1-6 month researcher plan
This idea is VERY productive, but also hard work compared to the other methods.
The 1-6 month researcher is based on one very important marketing principle - that being that MOST people who are online, shopping, and reaching out to businesses, are RESEARCHING not BUYING.
We know that when people systematically go back to all people that have contacted their business in the last 6 months, a large percentage have moved from research mode to buying mode.
They weren’t actually ready to buy the first time they made contact, but now they likely are!
For example - Perth Plantation Shutters - a business that sells window shutters that quite frankly, a very impressive but not cheap. Plenty of competitors too. MOST of their initial messages and reachouts are people doing research.
So the idea is - go back through your emails, your Facebook page messages and comments, your LinkedIn messages, and any other place where people can contact you, and start the conversation up again.
You can tailor this any way you like - the main thing is that you touch base and reach out to people.
Here is a YouTube video explaining this in more detail - please give this a go!
If there are any issues with this article, or the steps, you can reach us here:
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