“Getting good at stuff is hard - KEEP GOING” Corey Hinde
That’s a quote that keeps me going, and hopefully will give you a spark today in YOUR business!
In this article you’ll learn a few easily done things that will help your business grow, read on….
SEO / Rank higher on Google Tips:
Google can bring your business lots of free customers if you get a few things working in your favour.
Here are a few tips and also things we are working on for clients at the moment:
Check your “Meta Titles” for your website, and your pages / blog posts. These should align with your BullsEye Phrase - the ONE most important phrase in your business as far as Google search goes. We recommend using a tool like the Mangools free SEO extension for this.
Do the same with your H1 headings on pages. These should also align, or be similar to the above.
Anchor text for backlinks. At the moment we are recommending that anchor text is either your brand name OR your bullseye phrase. Audit your own backlink profile, then see what the anchor text is (the words that link to you - for example my client Simply Organic - the orange words there are the anchor text)
Have MORE “contact us” details on your website, and also include By lines - article written by (name) so that Google can see that your content is authentic.
If you need help ranking your business higher on Google and getting the business growth that comes with it, contact us:
Referral Tip:
Some SEO people were having this conversation today on Twitter….. referrals convert into customers at a much higher rate than SEO leads or Pay Per Click leads.
One SEO pro’s stats were that referral leads convert at 40%, whereas SEO leads were converting at 18% - that’s a MASSIVE difference.
SO, how can you get more referrals in your business?
Here are some ideas:
Use the ideas here from our Top of Mind free course 👈 click here
Create a referral program with juicy incentives
Ask for referrals more often - at the right times
Partner with aligned businesses and offer good referral incentives
Get busy on more social platforms - clients will have more opportunity to tag you etc
Run a referral competition with a huge prize, as well as your usual referral fees. New clients from referrals are also likely to…. REFER!
Conversion Rate Tip:
If you convert more leads into sales, you win. Period.
Probably the EASIEST free thing you can do, but it’s not super sexy so doesn’t get talked about as much as SEO, social media etc.
Here are a gobsmackingly EASY 2 things you can do to ramp up your conversion rates:
Reply to leads WAY faster. Yep, reply to all messages, emails etc so fast that it almost freaks people out. It stands out.
Follow people up. Simply say “Hey Joe, did you still need help with (the result your business brings).” Follow up at least 3 times, people are busy, and miss stuff. Could be awkward if the person isn’t called Joe, but I think you get the idea.
Google Business Profile Tip:
Yep, getting higher up on Google Business Profile is THE biggest free business hack we’ve seen in the last 5 years.
Here are 3 things that will help:
Get more reviews. Figure it out. Just get more. You still don’t realise how impactful this is on the Google algorithm and peoples decision making around which business to use. More information: https://goodoil.marketing/blog/how-to-get-more-google-reviews-13-tactics-that-work/
Include more Frequently Asked Questions on your website, and your Google Business Profile. Google likes this. The FAQ’s are thorough, and when Google finds good sources of answers to common questions, the results are impressive.
This video - get your social profiles onto your GBP, and start putting out more content as well so that Google picks up on what you are doing:
Some Recommended Reads for Business Owners:
The Full Stack Marketer - an all in one marketing newsletter that I read every time
Growth Archive - real world B2B marketing examples
Some other useful things:
Free Backlinks for Australia and NZ 👈 click here - it’s free
🛑Hey Google Course 👈 click here - not free but awesome and impactful!
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Thanks for the mention Corey!