Pay attention... this could apply to YOUR website....
One of the first things we do for clients who want to rank higher on Google is ensure alignment between their Bullseye Phrase, and their Meta Title for the site.
If you look at the image for this post, you'll see a pretty normal Google search result.
Up the top, at point 1, is the URL or website address.
Point 2, in the middle, most prominently, is the "Meta Title". Super important aspect of your site as far as Google is concerned.
Point 3 is the "Meta Description".
So... of all roughly 200 things Google looks at when deciding how and where to rank websites, plenty of SEO people like myself think that the Meta Title is in the top 3 factors, if not the top.
BUT - typically, around 50% of business websites will NOT have a Meta Title that is in alignment with their Bullseye Phrase.
We call the Bullseye Phrase - "the phrase or word you'd MOST like to win on Google, that your best customers most likely search for".
The Bullseye Phrase drives a lot of what we do for client websites and Google Business Profiles.
Usually, it'll be something obvious.
In this example, it's "Home Ventilation Auckland".
Your job is to figure out what your Bullseye Phrase IS, and then apply it to your Meta Title for your website.
Don’t just guess, do some homework like asking friends, family, and clients what they did or would Google when looking for your business.
It's one of the very first tasks we do in our consultancy when a client wants better Google rankings and more leads from Google search.
If you need help with your Google Business Profile, and getting ranked higher on Google, the first step is to CONTACT US HERE
Thanks for reading, and feel free to pass this on.
Corey Hinde | SEO New Zealand