Before you get too busy marketing and selling, make sure Google knows all about you, so that people are able to find you when they need you.
Follow these steps, and you’ll be ready to start showing up on Google.
Set up Google Search Console
Now, we are assuming that you already have a website. If you do, you need to be using Google Search Console - in short, it will help you to understand how you are appearing on Google Search.
Here is the link for Google Search Console
Now, don’t worry, we’ll cover Google Search Console in more depth later, so you know what you are doing, but if you are really stuck and need a hand, here is our contact us page.
Get your Dollars Statement Clear
What does this mean?
Quite simply - the clearest, simplest statement about your business.
What do people pay you for?
Get this clear, and short, because when people see you online, they need to understand what you do, fast.
“We’ll rank you higher on Google so you can grow your business” would be ours for example.
We need to be using that statement everywhere online.
Establish your BullsEye Phrase
This is a basic phrase, that will drive your efforts on Google. Essentially, the most important phrase to win on Google.
We’ve got a video about the topic here.
Think - what are my very best business prospects MOST likely to Google, when looking for my business.
Ours for example would be “Google Business Profile Management” or “SEO Consultant NZ”.
Then - survey people and find out if what they are searching matches what you think. You have to get this right, because it will underpin a lot of what you do with your website.
More info: How to use Keywords on your website to help Google find you
Once you know your bullseye phrase, we’ll look at other related words and phrases as well, that will help you create content on your website, so that Google knows what you do, and which searches on Google should come to you.
Where to use BullsEye Phrase and related keywords
Urls of the website and pages
Meta Titles of pages.
H1 or main headers of pages
Throughout the content in a natural way
Naming images and infographics
This is the essence of Search Engine Optimisation or SEO - and is far more complicated than this, however if you START with the bullseye phrase and build content, you are off to a good start.
Next Step - list your site
SO, we are going to stop there, and now list your website on some key locations so that Google knows you exist.
Yes, there is LOADS more to do around SEO and getting your site perfect for Google, but this article is about getting found quickly by Google, and we want fast results.
So, grab a Google Doc, and list out:
Your URL
Your email address
Your phone number
Your physical address
Your dollar statement
Your BullsEye Phrase
You’ll need these, because now you are going to create listings or profiles on all of the following places:
Facebook - personal profile and a business page
Google Business Profile - we have extensive information about this on our YouTube channel
Linkedin - personal profile
Twitter - create your profile, include your business URL, even if you don’t intend to use Twitter
Apple Maps
At least 3 other directories from this list on our website
And then…. Stop.
You can keep adding listings, but you don’t need to.
Now you need to start creating content, and watching what happens on Google Search Console (and your website data via Google Analytics), so that you can slowly but surely level up, and start getting the right people to your website.
Feel free to comment below OR learn more HERE on our blog.
Hi, this is an unrelated question about SEO, but maybe you know about it. It relates to dofollow and non-follow links in Substack:
I have seen that the outboud links of some newsletters that have been running for some time in Substack are dofollow, but others, perhaps newer ones, are nofollow.
Is this just a privilege that older newsletters have, or is it due to other factors, such as more visits or that they have a paid plan?