I had a fascinating chat to a guy last week who ONLY works with e-commerce stores, and helps them grow.
He gets amazing results for his clients.
He engages in 1 year contracts, and simply has never failed to produce large gains.
I’ll run you through the 5 areas he focusses on, and provide some help in each area too.
The interesting part of his work is that nothing is gobsmackingly amazing, he just uses 2 main success principles on all areas - 1) Data / measuring things and 2) Continual Improvement.
Here are the 5 areas, and something useful in each area:
1️⃣ Organic Leads | SEO | Social Media
Obviously an area that we work in a lot.
SEO, people finding you on Google, but also finding you on social media.
Knowing what words and phrases people are searching for, then building content on your website, Google Business Profile, and social media accounts that get you found.
Measure the lead flow, know your numbers, then get busy improving what you build, so MORE people find you.
Useful things:
➨ use this Q and A framework to hack what Google is really after:
➨ Article: SEO for Plumbers - you can sub out the word “Plumbers”, apply all the same principles, and WIN on Google.
2️⃣ Paid Traffic.
For MOST e-commerce businesses, or any businesses really, there are HUGE wins to be had by using Paid ads - for example Google Ads and / or Facebook Ads.
Problem is, agencies can be expensive, and doing it yourself can be too hard.
The thing is, SOMEONE in your industry is probably winning with paid ads.
I’d encourage you to learn more about Paid Ads - the link below is from Smartblogger, a very well respected blog:
➨ Article: Paid Advertising - Smartblogger
We also have several friends in the paid advertising space as well if you would like a referral to a pro, feel free to hit the contact us button below:
3️⃣ Referrals.
Key to winning in business is getting happy customers to refer friends to your business.
Growth consultants are very interested in this because it’s not only essentially free leads, it’s also a big indicator that your product or service is good.
Knowing where your leads and sales come from is important, so get tracking that data.
If you are after more referrals, and you should be, I highly recommend our resource below:
The 3rd method in that program is called the F and F, look into it.
Another method we helped a client with this week was to write a short sharp email looking for reviews and feedback, and in that email we inserted a $200 cash offer for any referrals to that company. The actual dollar amount has to make sense to you.
4️⃣ Conversion rates.
Get more website and social media visitors turning into actual customers.
Ramp up that conversion rate, watch your business grow rapidly.
Check out our lesson below:
➨ Easy ways to get more website visitors buying from you
(that’s possibly the most useful article we’ve ever written for e-commerce store owners)
5️⃣ Email marketing.
People are still scared about being branded a “spammer” and / or “annoying” so they ignore this amazingly powerful marketing tool.
If you can’t fathom how to send a monthly email to your existing database at least monthly, please simply follow a checklist like this when sending emails to previous buyers:
Write or send something of interest to your niche. Sell golf stuff? Send out something interesting about the Golf scene in your country presently.
Include an image or video that might prompt people to share the email. Yep, we want people sharing our stuff, being entertained.
Include something really useful that is not selling. Eg a calculator, interesting data, some research, a recipe, a free workout - whatever suits your niche.
An offer - yep, something low margin to reactivate them, and get them buying again.
Previous clients are WAY easier to sell to than newbies!
I’ve often bought items from e-commerce businesses, partly to get the thing, but also in part to see what they do after the sale. This includes my own clients!
Useful tool - simply Google “Davie Fogarty email marketing”, the guy who invented the Oodie. He’s got some very handy information out there that can help you.
If you simply track those 5 growth areas, and then aim to improve upon each one, bit by bit by bit, your business will grow. I promise.
Feel free to reach out for help!