This video is titled SEO for Plumbers, but ANY local area business can use this method (we know a Car Dealer who has used this method very well):
Some other things that will help YOU with growing your business using Google:
1: We have a new Google Ads service, which will help you waste less money! Only $99 per month, yep, that’s not a typo - click HERE and check it out.
2: Observation - our clients that get the best results on Google ALSO post something, even if it’s a tiny post, on at least 1 social media platform at least 5 days per week. Coincidence?
3: Google “phantom gbp audit tool” and grab that freebie. If you have a Google Business Profile, this will help you research your competition and beat them on Google Maps.
4: SEO Unlocked is back and available. It’s Pay What you Want - and has helped many businesses leapfrog their opponents on Google. Grab it HERE. As with all of our courses, guides, content… you can always ask for help, we have consultations available.
5: LinkedIn. If you aren’t using it to help your business / lead generation / SEO - you are missing out. Google your own personal name. Your LinkedIn profile is likely in the top few spots. Personal branding is becoming more and more important for business AND seo. I’ve got a video HERE that should have 1 million views, it’s THE simple cheatcode for LinkedIn.
6: Please make sure your Google Business Profile is embedded on your website. Major trust signal to both customers AND Google. When we take on a local SEO client, we ensure that this is done. Doesn’t hurt to have a Google Reviews carousel on your site as well.. eg using Elfsight or a similar tool.
If you want to see a business that uses reviews and social proof very well across multiple digital assets, look up Solartive in New Zealand. They use plenty of reviews on their website and social media accounts, which not only helps SEO but also instills confidence in potential customers.
Take a look at Dealify to see a busines website that uses both the Google Maps embed and the “richplugins” Google Review Widget - both of these look excellent and also increase trust as well for people browsing the web for their services.
If you need help with anything Google / Google Business Profile / Google Ads, reach out - click the button below:
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