New year, new name!
We’ve decided to change our focus a bit this year so that we can help more people, in more ways.
My own agency, Good Oil Marketing, is still SEO focussed.
That’s - ranking better on search engines like Google.
We’ve realised that plenty of our readers / followers are running small / medium businesses, and are after more help and advice.
So, we’ll be including more general growth advice, stories, some email marketing tips, some Ad tips (Facebook Ads, Google Ads for example), and with that broader focus we hope to give YOU more help so you can Thrive in 2025!
Feel free to share this newsletter with your friends.
1️⃣SEO / Rank higher on Google Tip:
I read a useful article recently from the team at Backlinko, which prompted these notes about easy ways to rank higher on Google:
Keyword Trifecta - use your keyword in the Meta Title for your page, and the URL if possible, and in the first 100 words of the body of the article.
Delete pages getting no traffic unless they are crucial for your internal linking, and update pages often as well. Updating pages could entail more details, more images, better links, more lists, more images. More details on this another time.
Get Links to your website by creating a good study or piece of data that people want to link to for their own purposes. For example, a business like Hexagon IT Solutions might produce a study showing how companies that install Tech Solutions improve efficiency by 37% (made up that data right here right now, just saying).
Feel free to scroll to the bottom of this article, to see how we can help you do these types of things and help your business get better results from Google.
2️⃣General Business Growth Tip
If you work through this checklist, even every 2nd month in your business, you’ll grow.
If you want some help setting up a checklist like this for YOUR business, just email me, I’ll happily help you build one for free:
3️⃣Google Ads Tips:
Virginia, a friend of ours at Good Oil Marketing, recently posted this:
I follow both Max and Virginia on Twitter, here are their Twitter accounts if you are interested: and
4️⃣Email Marketing Tip:
Our friend Glenn Edley recently penned this very useful email marketing tip:
Summary - focus on ONE thing, one story, one desired action you want them to take.
Of course, the irony of this point is not lost on me as I write this article with multiple links and focal points!
Need help growing YOUR business?
➨ Contact us 👈(email me, anytime, I’ll personally reply)
➨ The Google Game 👈 this course will teach you how to rank your local business above your opposition within 3 months.
➨ Need a web designer? Paid Ads expert? Trusted experts on Marketers List 👈
➨ Paid Coaching Sessions 👈 people hire our expertise for one off sessions.
➨ Growth Marketing Group 👈 every single member since it’s inception has experienced business growth.