Sometimes, relatively easy things can produce big results on Google.
For example, before Google decided it was against the rules, you could simply add your town or city name to your Google Business Profile name, and your rankings would sky rocket!
Don’t do that now, you’ll risk getting your listing suspended.
This article aims to show you 3 such ideas, based on some of our findings in our agency this year.
1️⃣ Align your Meta Title and your BullsEye Phrase.
In a recent survey I ran, a staggering 40% of business owners were shown to have a Meta Title for their website, that was not optimised.
For example the website might say “Home” for it’s meta title.
You’ll see the URL up the top of a Google Search result, and then the BIG meta title below that.
I’ve never met an SEO professional who didn’t agree that Meta Title was one of the very top Google ranking factors.
BullsEye Phrase (BEP) means - what is the main thing we want to show up on Google for.
Your meta title, at the very least, should be closely related to your BEP if not exactly the same.
Google reads these.
2️⃣ YouTube Videos on your website
We’ve noticed that shooting even very basic videos, and installing them on your own website helps you rank higher on Google.
YouTube is also a Google owned entity, and a large search engine in it’s own right.
You might be a florist - shoot some basic videos that show you putting arrangements together.
Mechanic - a few how to videos.
Mortgage Broker - latest news. For a great example of this, see Michael Anastasiadis on YouTube HERE.
Get creative, you know what your customers want to learn about.
The videos can then be installed on blog posts or articles on your site.
This helps Google understand more about you, it keeps people ON your website longer (which Google likes), and then the YouTube videos also link back to your site.
3️⃣ Ramp up the Q and A
This works 100% of the time.
Use your customer knowledge, Googles “people also ask”, and chatGPT to get WAY MORE questions and answers out there.
Use Publer (👈 click here) to get them onto your most important social profiles (included Google Business Profile in there).
If the short Q and A’s on things like Facebook or LinkedIn get a lot of engagement, turn them into larger blog articles or YouTube videos.
👉 Any questions from this article? Feel free to ask.
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⭐ Need to rank your Google Business Profile higher so you get more calls for your business? Reach out to us. 👈 click here