Some marketing activities help you rank higher on Google.
This list is a great start.
These activities all send messages to Google, which helps Google to rank websites on it’s search.
If you are not ranking well on Google for your business, maybe knock one of these tasks off each week for a while?
1️⃣ YouTube
Using all of the Google tools and products, to talk about your business, will help your business.
Google owns YouTube, and we’ve seen many businesses leverage YouTube videos and channels, to boost their rankings / presence on Google.
Let’s use an example.
Getsorted Wardrobes, a local wardrobe business, might decide to kick off a a YouTube channel, at first just to shoot some videos about how to put their wardrobes together.
There are business benefits and customer benefits there, but also backlink opportunities for their website.
There are plenty of other things they could do with the channel too.
OR - you might shoot a weekly or monthly podcast / show about your industry, and host it on YouTube.
Get creative.
We’ve got over 200 YouTube videos HERE, which helps our “expert status”, as well as helping our own SEO too.
2️⃣ Substack.
You are reading this on
It’s pretty much an email list with ONE exception.
The emails turn into articles, that stay online and have SEO power.
If you are already using email marketing, why not switch to Substack, and get the SEO benefits as well?
Write content that supports your niche, host it on Substack, watch your Google presence improve.
3️⃣ Create a free course on Gumroad
The FREE course below once made a Facebook follower of ours over $6000 in job bookings, in ONE day! (click there to grab the course)
By putting out a free course, you win in several ways:
Prove expertise
Build your email list
Links from the course, to your websites.
There are other course platforms around, pick what suits you.
4️⃣ Review products / services that your business uses.
Google searches for information and answers.
Why not write reviews of things, linked to your niche, and host them on your website?
You might get Google search traffic straight to those reviews OR the product / service owner you are reviewing might link to your review?
For example - Simply Organic - an organic food store, could review products they sell, or feature bigger suppliers they have. Google will find this. They might get backlinks too. These reviews could also be used to keep social media platforms going.
Aotea Electric Auckland - could review products they use, or discuss collaborative projects they have done for example.
5️⃣ Write some thought pieces somewhere different eg Medium / Linkedin
There are many places, other than your own blog, where you can publish an article.
Your own blog and owned digital assets (Social platforms, email list, Google Business Profile etc) are obviously hyper important, but using other places helps Google out too, and can be a good SEO boost for you.
For example LinkedIn Articles,,, Quora, and Twitter.
All of these can be used and have inbuilt audiences.
6️⃣ A Google Doc or Google Sheet
Different idea but follow along.
Let’s say you have a master list of say 37 great tools / resources / links that you use or recommend.
Imagine if you built that into a Google Sheet, that was shareable but not able to be edited.
You’d also include links to your website and key other digital assets.
We’ve seen this work very well. There are SEO benefits in doing this.
For example, Casey Taylor, a Buyers Agent (helps people find the right property), could develop a Buyers Checklist for finding the ideal investment property. It’s free, it gets its way around the internet, and grows his reputation as well as SEO outcomes.
7️⃣ All the usual Social Platforms
Google picks up signals from everywhere, so at the very least HAVE a few social platforms going at all times.
It helps build TRUST, and really, that’s what Google is doing constantly… who can we trust and therefore PUSH up the top of our search engine?
Be sure to play the social media game correctly though. Some business owners get it wrong - read THIS piece I wrote on Facebook last week about it. 👈 click here
8️⃣ Google Business Profile
There are plenty of ways to use GBP to help your SEO.
Not only does GBP get you noticed locally, and get you leads, the site itself helps your SEO.
Here is our entire course on Google Business Profile:
Extra note: why not run your entire customer feedback system via Google Reviews? Google will reward you….
9️⃣ Shareables
Read this article we wrote earlier this year:
ONE great shareable thing (tool, article, resource, image, video etc) could change your business.
For example, Brad East, a mortgage broker in Australia, has some very handy free tools on his website.
Can you do something like that in your industry?
🔟 Business Owner Personal Brand website
Do you, the business owner, have MORE worth talking about than just your business?
Maybe you are also an athlete of note, or a musician, or just a super fascinating person that others like to follow?
We’ve seen business owners also run a personal brand website that helps them express other aspects of their life, but also helps drive links and traffic to their business website.
Bonus TIP:
Can you write a Guest Post on someone elses blog or website?
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